Haworth 1940’s Weekend

Haworth 1940’s Weekend

Does anyone remember this photo?
I thought it was about 5 years ago, but it was 7 years ago, how time flies 😮
Taken on 2011/05/15
It was taken in Haworth at a 1940’s weekend, I was walking back to the car and saw this lady leaning in the doorway, the camera was off, so i quickly fired it up and snapped this lovely candid shot. The photo got thousands of likes on Social Media but I never found out who she was to give her a copy.
Last weekend (20th May 2018) at Howarth’s 40’s weekend, I was looking for this girl, I had almost given up on the hope of finding her when whilst sat having a brew, I noticed a girl behind my parents, I was not 100% sure it was her, so asked my Dad and he said he thought it may be her too, so I asked her, and YES, it was her 🙂 WOW, what are the chances? I now would like her to see this but forgot to ask her name – bloody crazy I know :p
Haworth May 2018 (1940’s Weekend) 0134 Taken on 2018/05/20

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